Strengthening rural communities
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About Rural Women New Zealand

Strengthening rural communities is the aim of Rural Women New Zealand. 

As an organisation we are constantly working to enhance our position as a respected voice of rural New Zealand families and communities.

We aim to develop rural communities by valuing rural uniqueness, understanding the needs of rural communities and working with agencies and RWNZ members to develop a strong rural network.

We have a role as a resource partner - building relationships with government and non-governmental organisations.

We regularly communicate with members to share information relevant to the rural sector.

We are also a funding source for individuals through our bursary scheme, and for rural communities through sponsorship and regional funding programmes.

Our history
Rural Women New Zealand, formerly known as Women’s Division Federated Farmers, has been a voice for rural women since 1925.

The organisation was established by women who wanted better social and economic conditions for rural people. For over eighty years we have been at the forefront of rural issues, working to strengthen rural communities.

Our members

We have members from all walks of life and of all ages. We share a love of the land and an interest in making our communities great places to live.

We have groups throughout New Zealand.  Contact our national office for details of your nearest group.

Some groups meet for fun and friendship, often supporting their local communities through events or fundraising. 

Some belong to RWNZ for its advocacy role, both at local and national level.  We are regularly consulted and make submissions on educational, social, health and land issues as they affect rural people.

For some members the focus is on education and learning.  We facilitate training days and seminars on a wide range of topics.

For others, individual membership suits their needs, keeping them in touch with the issues if they can't make it to regular meetings.

Whether you choose to join an existing group, set up your own group or become an individual member, there are many benefits that Rural Women New Zealand can offer you:

Lifelong learning

If you want to develop new skills or access information, we may be able to help.

We offer national leadership training and regular regional and national conferences. One of these is the Wellington Experience, where each year 16 members visit the corridors of power during our annual leadership training course.

Each year we award a number of educational and community grants to assist a range of rural students — from secondary school pupils to those seeking a second chance at education.

National Network

Our national network can offer you support in many areas.

Each region has access to expertise and funding. If there is an issue you want to take action on, an event you want to run, or a subject you would like information on, then there are a variety of people at local and national level who can assist.

Members receive regular information from our Wellington-based Head Office. We liaise with government ministers and officials, industry boards and other rural and women's groups.

Members can take an active part in advocating for rural communities by joining one of our `issues' teams (on such topics as education, health, land use, genetic modificiation) if they wish. Your level of involvement is entirely up to you.

If you are interested in receiving more information about joining Rural Women New Zealand, fill out our enquiry form online and we'll send you an information pack.

About Rural Women | Our History | Our Future | Regional Development Officers


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